This is the park that C.S. Lewis spent many holidays in as a child, and was apparently the inspiration for the world of Narnia. Toni and I had never been on the Narnia Trail - I had never been here at all - so that's what we decided to do.
To start the trail you have to walk through a door to a magical land...

...beyond it, strange creatures await - oh, it's Teddy.

Fly was already having fun.

Two puppies having a good time - this was taken at the Beaver's house.

A little further on there were (timber) wolves!

Another terrifying wolf!

In a clearing, Aslan sits proudly.

At a badger's house.

This park is beautiful from every angle - no wonder C.S. Lewis found it so inspiring!

I'm not responsible for this photo, Teddy wanted his picture taken here. (See, he's an old pro by now. He saw a wall and jumped up onto it and posed by himself, all without prompting. Good boy.)

By the time we'd had our walk on the Narnia Trail, both of the dogs were tired and the humans hungry. We stopped in the city for a feast and then headed for home, but not before we stopped at Spelga Dam on our way through the mountains.

The view was lovely, if a bit cold.

And of course, to finish our day, a family portrait.

The sun shone upon us all and we had a lovely time. Thanks to Toni for holding those leads!
Looks like a nice time.