Sometimes the ewes can take a while to settle into indoor life, but that was not the case this year. I think they were all grateful for a roof over their heads.

I took these photos last Friday, the day I brought Liz in from the field. After her glucose treatment she was a bit brighter, but her ewes were still sunken.

The ewes are in two large pens. This is the right hand side.

The daughters of the Mules have now entered the breeding flock. It'll be interesting to see how they do.

This is such a sweet wee ewe. She's always coming over to see what we're doing.

I always see this one too.

I think this is a gorgeous little sheep. Great Texel shape, velvety gold face and little black spot above her eye. Very different.

It was very relaxing to sit with the girls. Most were chewing their cuds, not bothered by me at all.

Nice flock :-).