Poppy surprised me back at lambing time when she jumped up to sit on the 135's seat - something none of the other dogs have thought to do. It gave me an idea for a photo, but one that took two attempts to get kind of right.
There was a nice evening, so up the field we went. I picked this field for its view and lack of sheep that could prove distracting - but I failed to account for the wind direction and just how strong it was. Poppy's ears were all over the place! To face another way would be to lose the view, so we were forced to give up after taking just a few photos.

I don't like being beaten like that, so the following month I headed up the field again. I picked a different one this time, still with a nice view. The wind was barely there and Poppy had full control of her ears.

In fact, it was so calm, we just had a wee sit down. I sat in the linkbox - I expected Poppy to join me, but instead she went and sat on the tractor.

The tractor without the dog.

A few photos back in the yard.

It just shows you that things don't always go to plan. I rarely have a second go at taking staged photographs - I much prefer just hoping for the best - but I just had to celebrate Poppy's enthusiasm for this tractor!
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