Spot has been lagging behind the other pet lambs - he was born big but hasn't got as big as I thought he would. He was also a bit on the thin side. I made the decision to bring him indoors for a while for some extra feeding. By indoors, I meant a shed, rather than my house!

He was unsure about going down the steps, so he just stood there - perfect selfie opportunity.

In the run-up to Christmas, Spot had lots of wee walks around the yard.

He also got a treat after every walk for being a good boy.

On Christmas Eve, I set up the tripod and got this photo of us. I was trilled with how it turned out!

Today I put Spot back out in the field with the other pet sheep. He has put on some weight, so hopefully that will see him through the last of the winter. I'll be keeping an eye on him.
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