4 February 2012

The Sun, How it Beams

We're really very lucky to live where we do. Green fields, amazing views and you're not in the middle of nowhere. I love going for walks, quite understandably, and the view never disappoints.

If you turn around and face the other direction...

Good grief, you made Teddy jump!

It's true. I was snapping away at the view and turned around. The cows next door were following us - where we walked, the cows walked.

Teddy was doing quite a lot of barking at them, but that just made the neighbours more curious. They weren't fazed. And, true to character, Pip had ran off.

We left the cows and view behind and Teddy calmed down.

I got a nice picture of Sheila when we were almost at the yard again.

And Ben too.

I made as many dogs as possible jump onto a very handy metal box. Pip simply wasn't in the mood for jumping and Teddy doesn't seem to understand the concept, so it turned out to be just Sheila and Ben on a box.

Yeah. They weren't exactly in a 'posing' mood. So Ben jumped off and licked my knee. Sheila stayed.

We moved on to an old loader. Posing was better there.

When we all got back to the yard, I took this photo of Teddy:

And that smile *insert poetic comparison to sunbeams here*



  1. Wonderful photos! You certainly do live in a lovely part of the world, I love the green rolling hills of Ireland.
    I think we need more side shots of Teddy. That one made me realize that I had never really seen him from the side, especially since he's getting so big now.

  2. What a heavenly spot you were at! Loved the storytelling as well, from scenic view to those cute ole' cows then on to your poochies...happy day for all!

  3. Everywhere and everyone looks wonderful bit we do have an extra soft spot for Teddy's smile!

  4. You sure live in one of the most beautiful places in the world!

    The pictures are awesome!

  5. What great pictures! I love the one of Teddy smiling! :)

  6. Beautiful pictures! I love your photography. Your dogs are gorgeous and Teddy is growing so quickly, wow!

  7. Great pics of the dogs and the farm animals! Your doggie ben looks so much like our brittany spaniel tucker.

  8. I just love seeing all your photos. :)

  9. Such cute pictures of you doggies! I love your cow friends too!

  10. Wonderful photos - I could almost feel the dogs! Hope you don't mind a horse dropping into your blog for a browse?

  11. What a beautiful view of the sunbeams peeking around the clouds. Gorgeous pictures of the dogs...Teddy is adorable and Ben & Sheila are just so special!
