19 July 2015

Black & White Sunday #3 ::: Gotcha Days

I always manage to forget about Gotcha Days, so here - have all of them!

Gotcha 7th February 2010

Ben in the cardboard box we brought him home in:

Gotcha 23rd September 2010

Ben's adorable half-sister having her first look at the yard:

Gotcha 15th August 2011

Little Teddy playing in the kitchen on his first day in his new home:

Gotcha 20th July 2014

We must have decided that we had enough dogs, since there is quite a gap between Teddy and little Jessica, who celebrates her first Gotcha Day tomorrow:

Gotcha 10th May 2015

A surprise for all parties concerned, Samson bounded into our lives just over two months ago:

I don't know when Sheila's Gotcha Day is since I was 11-years-old at the time. Just be aware she was small and black and very, very cute.

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  1. Oh good grief, they are ALL just adorable! I remember when Pip was little. She was so precious. Happy Gotcha Day everybody!
