The first set of twins thrived. A sign of a healthy, contented lamb is a big stretch when they get up from a nap and that one is a whopper!

This Mule, referred to simply as Violet's Mum, had a gorgeous set of twins. I'd lost Liz's triplets on Monday, sold Bob and my Zwartbles tips on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I walked into the lambing shed to this ewe's beautiful babies.

At the start of tipping season, SunnyJim had been in along with the main flock of ewes for a week or so. I didn't think much would come of it, but clearly I underestimated by boys - my dad now has ended up with as many Zwartbles babies as I have. The smile couldn't be wiped from my face after seeing these two.
Another surprise early in the season was a ewe having quads. We haven't had quads in several years! Three of them were your usual Texels and then there was one black one, because why not? She got a new mummy as the ewe couldn't rear all of those babies by herself.

A sweet little newborn.

This ewe had twins.

A curious ewe.

Hiding behind mummy.

Just up from a nap.

I love Mules.

Up close.

Our number one helper with the lambing this year was Susan. She has learned to keep the ewes back when we're putting a new bale of silage in with them, to keep them in the corner if we're trying to catch one and which chair to sit on so she gets the leftover milk. She is also very gentle with lambs which is wonderful. She's the only dog I currently have who is. She's really come into her own this year.

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