A few days ago I visited my friend Natalie and her family. Natalie is very like me - a bit of a sheep nutcase, which is really the best kind of nutcase to be if you ask me. She showed me her lambs first. The names are many and I've forgotten a lot of them but I'll have a go.
Alice, Adam's sister. Who's Adam? You'll find out soon enough.
This is Penny (I think). Such a pretty name for a a pretty lamb.
Tippy the Zwartbles.
Two bottle babies.
Through the fence discussion.
This one's face reminds me of Charles out of my Heather.
The ewes and lambs are not long separated. The ladies are in need of some R&R.
Vicky, Adam and Alice's mum, next to Belle, one of Sunny's sisters.
The oldest member of the flock.
I also met Natalie's Blue Texel hoggets, Diva and Darling. This is my first proper look at a Blue Texel and I think they're cute. Darling was very curious.
Diva looking down her nose at me.
The girls.
Finally, Thumbelina, the tiny pet lamb from last year. For whatever reason I thought she had died as a lamb, but I was thrilled to see that she had made to adulthood. She's big and she's brown and she's doing very well.
I enjoy chatting sheep for a while.
Lovely sheep!