25 March 2021

First Day Out

It's almost that time of year again when I spend spare evenings taking pictures of the ewes and lambs until the sun goes down. In the meantime here are a few from last month when Flora, Rosie, Olive and their lambs all went back outside. For the lambs there was a lot to explore.

Sadly no lambs for Penny this year, but better luck next year. She is being an aunt to the lambs now instead.

Rosie is a mother again and loving it.

Olive needed help delivering this boy on the day of really sudden snow. He's called Dennis.

Flora's ewe lamb, Dixie.

Famous Dexter - this photo was on page 3 of Farm Week a few weeks ago.

Rosie's mini-me, Daisy.

The ewes were getting the three white lambs mixed up. Rosie is too good natured to hit Dennis away - rather she gave him a kiss.

Dennis has impressive ears.

No lambs for Heather this year either - she's an auntie too.



Dixie is so like her mother, it's funny. She has the same manic energy!

The Texels have a rest.

Dexter and Millie - another aunt. The lambs have a lot of them this year!

Dixie is so manic that she's hard to photograph - she rarely stops moving.


Connie and Millie.

Olive and Dennis.

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